💚Wishing everyone a Peaceful day on this beautiful June Bank Holiday Monday.
Everyday we need remind ourselves that when we relax our brain goes into a much needed resting state, and much like the sleeping hours when this happen it helps our bodies repair. We are constantly overstimulated and therefore this time out is essential for humans to reboot.
VOYA’s sound bath is available via there VOYA Blog at
With the kindest regards ,
Joanne & BORÚ Team 💚
#borúhealthandbeauty #wellbeing
#healthandbeauty #checkitout
#soundtherapy #soundon #soundbath #relaxing #meditations #wellness #wildatlanticway #spa #irishskincare #irish #wellnesstips #lifestyle #meditations #voyabeauty #cleanbeauty #organicbeauty#organicproducts