Don’t Stress about the small things it’s wasted time.
Focus the here on now. •It can be so easy to fall into this way of thinking and find ourselves stressing about small things at this time of year ! Especially as we can often feel a bit pressurized with the getting things as gifts. •But maybe try something different make yourself a small list of what is most important to you first and then another to do list of things to do and get. •Be inventive with your gifting as even is our twin towns in Killaloe & Ballina there is so so much beautiful things around us to enjoy 😊
#borúhealthandbeauty #dontstressaboutthesmallthings #christmastime #killaloeballina #killaloe #twintowns #shoplocal #breathe #begrateful #positivevibes #stopstressing #livelifetothefullest #family #friends #organicbeauty #lovetheskinyourein #takesometimeoutforyourself #voya
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